LCLGA Priorities to Grow our Visitor Economy by 2020
On 10th February 2017,the LCLGA Board endorsed the ‘LCLGA Priorities to Grow the Visitor Economy by 2020 Plan’ and the development of the Implementation Plan.
The LCLGA Tourism Management Group assessed the 3-year time-frame required to deliver the Priority Plan and the resourcing required, this included a full analysis of tasks and budget considerations. It is envisaged that initially (Year One of Three Year Plan)the Plan can be delivered utilising existing resources the Tourism Industry Development Manager. The Group also agreed to assess the progress regularly to ensure relevance of the plan and delivery projections.
On 8th March 2017, the Tourism Management Group agreed the Implementation Plan provides a clear outline of resourcing and funding requirements to deliver on the LCLGA Priorities to grow the Visitor Economy by 2020.
On the 7th April the LCLGA Board endorsed the ‘LCLGA Priorities to Grow the Visitor Economy by 2020 Implementation Plan'.
Contact Biddie Shearing at for more information or follow the link to the LCLGA website: Regional Tourism